I recently had the need to kill a day in Reading. My other better half was in town for a college workshop, and I volunteered to take her.
My plan was to park up to the north of town near the train station, walk through (and take photos of) Forbury Gardens and the old abbey ruins (that be them, right) and make my way into town, where I would find the Visitor Information Centre (VIC) and state my simple purpose and request: “I’m here for the next seven hours, what should I do?” As representatives of the town, they should know the best parts to see and things to do there, right?
I headed off into the centre and looked at the street signage pointing towards the VIC, past a number of churches and the market. Eventually I came across a sign which was pointing back the way I had come. Thinking I must have walked right past it, I retraced my steps, and came back to the last sign, pointing away from me again. Someone must have twisted round the sign, naughty person!
I walk back on myself again, past the twisted sign, and headed towards the civic centre. Maybe it was inside there? I walked through the glass sliding doors, to find an unmanned reception desk and a barracade against the only internal door with a sign reading ‘Civic Centre Closed’. A big, burly security guard came up to me and I asked him where the VIC was. “Closed down” was his response, before shuffling me out of the door.
Beaten, and now wondering how I was going to survive the next six-and-a-half hours inevitably wandering around the shopping centre (those who know me know what I think of shopping, especially in shopping centres…), I headed back into town, walking past the Town Hall. Aha! Maybe they would be able to answer my simple, if rather direct, question.
I walked up to the reception desk, to a middle-aged man with a name-tag reading Bob, and told him my quest for something to do in Reading. He offered me a paper copy of the map I had seen as part of the street furniture around the town centre, but couldn’t advise me further because he had only been living and working in Reading himself for a month.
Deflated, but with my new map in my back pocket, I walked out of the town hall in search of photo opportunities (see all photos in the Reading gallery). More snaps of Forbury Gardens (the sun had come out), the old watermill, various town centre buildings and a pub next to the station later, I was on the look-out for lunch.
Not wanting the bog-standard chain food, but forgetting I wasn’t in London, I rejected Starbucks, Costa, another Starbucks, McDonald’s, KFC, yet another Starbucks and all the full-meal restaurants around the pretty canalside area. My stomach growled and I was resigning myself to one of the Starbucks, until I suddenly came across Tutu’s. This Ethiopian cafe smelt great, had people constantly going in and out (always the sign of a good establishment!) and had an interesting-looking menu.
Tentatively stepping over the threshold, the first thing that grabbed my various senses were the burning incense sticks (+10 points on the StuartScale™) and comfy couches (+50 points), closely followed by hearing Zero 7 playing on the stereo (+3000 points), and then the sight of Fentiman’s Curiosity Cola chilling in the fridge (+infinity points). I settled myself in, book in hand and spicy beef in belly, for the afternoon.
Who needs a non-existant VIC and an unhelpful Bob, anyway?
1. Forbury Gardens, Reading
2. Duck by Reading Bridge
3. The Old Mill, Reading
(All taken by me, more in the Reading photo gallery)